The expert opinions of the Consultant often represent the keystone of the whole trial, playing an important role, especially where the outcome of the Cause is linked to the correct evaluation of aspects of an exquisitely technical nature. For these reasons, being represented by a Partisan Technical Consultant with adequate skills and knowledge is an essential condition for having his / her thesis accepted, first of all, and by the Judge, in order to reach a favorable sentence.
When the judge of the competent court appoints an Office Technical Consultant (C.T.U.), he automatically grants the parties (actors and defendants) the right to nominate his own technical consultant.
In particular, the part consultant has the task of assisting the C.T.U. during the operations of experts and to provide any kind of support and information in order to reach the truth.
The technical consultations on the part have the technical defense value of the party in question and represent an instrument for checking the reliability of the office consultancy.
Dondi Ingegneria has the experience and the necessary skills to support you in this delicate phase, putting at your disposal professionals with proven experience in the field of machines, plants and mechanics in general.
For any information you can reach us through our contacts.